Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Airline restrictions are ridiculious.

Two big backpacks turned into one large suitcase, a carry-on and a 'day-pack' backback for each of us...
Currently we have one large suitcase, another medium size to check as well... and a smaller carry on with the two backpacks... only problem... only the largest will zip (thank goodness for Burton bags- they are AMAZING!)... but it's over 50lbs... by far!
I need a magic wand, or one of those bag systems that sucks the air out, so you can fit 50 sweaters into a bag the size of a breadbox... oh how I love infomercials!
Wish me luck!

BTW- Eight hours till takeoff.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! I bet you had to pay an arm and a leg for that too. Unless your are flying Southwest, I am pretty sure your bags don't fly free. What a bummer! I hope that this is the worst part of your wonderful trip!
