Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas Eve / Day from Prague!

Merry Christmas eve! It's 5:30 our time so everyone is probably just getting up and starting their days. I won't lie- I'm so ok with not working today. I remember last year I almost had a meltdown! 

Were safely in Prague, known for their beer and shady, overpriced taxi drivers. Having yet to experience the beer, we learned the hard way about the taxi fare. You live and you learn.

Our hotel last night was nice, and cheap. Breakfast was included in the rate, trying to make up for the splurge on transportation we ate till we couldn't take another bite. Just being economical! 

After packing our bags up (which weve actually gotten really good at...) we headed out from Hotel Seven Days where we booked that day to find our next 'home'. It was actually only a few blocks away, an easy walk. Hotel Rafello is where we will rest our heads for the next three nights here in Prague. It's nice to know packing everything up again tomorrow isn't an issue. 

Prague is full of one way streets, so taking a cab, or driving somewhere can take forever, but on foot were pretty close to all the main sights. We've been doing a lot of walking so far, which is great since running in cold weather isn't exactly my idea of a jolly good time.

With all the stress of traveling a day of rest was exactly what we needed. Napping is one of my not-so-secret pleasures so it was glorious to be able to indulge without worrying about a train to catch, or sights to see. 

Finally hungry after our gigantic breakfast we made our way to the 'beer factory'. Sean read about it on google before we came- it's a bar where each table has it's own tap of draught beer. You pour your own beverages, and the meter on the spout keeps a running total of how much you've drank. Genius. Only downfall, it was more of a club, less resturant- only thing on the menu was the Christmas special, carp and fish soup... No thank you.

Still needing sustenance we moved on to a small resturant down the street. They had typical bar style tables- but must have had giants in mind when designing the height... I literally had to hop up to reach the seat. Quite comical. 

To our complete delight the gal sitting at the next table over commented on how ridiculous the barstools were... In an American accent! She and her husband are traveling a similar journey to ours and had been in Prague a few nights already. We hit it off instantly! Great people from lousiamna, young and fun.

They had plans to meet in the main square with a couple from holland they had met the night before, we couldn't resist an invitation. The square was decked out to the nines in Christmas lights. An amazing tree stood in the center, outlined in the background by gothic stlye churches. Walt Disney himself couldn't have designed anything better. 

Not ready to call it a night, our new friends decided to find a bar. We stumbled (literally) into one of the smokiest, hole in the wall places you could imagine. It was classic. 

Two beers turned into twenty... Add a shot of abstnth, and you have one very drunk, very unreasonable Janiece. There's a reason why the stuff is illegal in the USA. It's all a bit comical after the fact... Apparently I threw a temper tantrum in the street... While it was raining... We got lost trying to make it back to the hotel and thought my passport had gone missing. Wow. Not exactly my most dignified moment... Bruised and missing some of my self respect the inevitable scar on my left palm from a deep gash only God knows how I acquired will remind me next time of the possible consequences of not knowing your limits.t 

I thank God for my patient and understanding travel compainion. He is more of a Saint than he will admit. I love him dearly and feel very blessed to have him in my life. 

Slept in and had a relaxing Christmas Day. Topped it off with a showing of Avatar (in English, Czech subtitles). And dinner on the walk home at McDonalds. Overall a very interesting Christmas. One for the books, to be sure.

So as our Christmas day is ending, you're all preparing for lunch / dinner. 
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.

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